Description: In 2016 manditory CWD sampling during opening weekend of the fall firearms season is required in the 29 county CWD management zone. This layer depicts the 75 sampling locations hunters can bring their deer for sampling.
Description: Since CWD was first found in Missouri in 2010, the Department has intensified efforts to work with hunters, landowners, taxidermists, and meat processors to test free-ranging deer around the state for CWD. The counties included in the dataset represent areas included in the CWD Management Zone.
Copyright Text: This data layer was created by the Resource Science Division of the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC).
Description: Since CWD was first found in Missouri in 2010, the Department has intensified efforts to work with landowners to test free-ranging deer around known CWD positive sections for CWD.
Copyright Text: This data layer was created by the Resource Science Division of the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC).
Description: Since CWD was first found in Missouri in 2010, the Department has intensified efforts to work with landowners to test free-ranging deer around known CWD positive sections for CWD.
Copyright Text: This data layer was created by the Resource Science Division of the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC).
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This data set shows the counties where all deer harvested opening weekend of the firearms deer season must be presented at a sampling station for CWD testing per the Widlife Code of Missouri.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>